BT Partners

Our Partners are both Grands crus classés, but also gems that we want to share with you. In any case, behind these wines, there are always upright, talented and passionate people who make outstanding wines, with whom we love to work and for whom we strive to be the best possible ambassadors.

Château d’Issan

History The history of Château d’Issan is a familial history, a know-how passed down from generation to genration. The first reference of Issan brings back to XIIth century, during the occupation of Guyenne by the British. At that time, the...

Château Guiraud

History The history of Château Guiraud brings us back to its first name « noble house of Bayle ». At that time, the estate was the ownership of the Mons de Saint Poly Family. February 22nd 1766, Pierre Guiraud, Bordeaux...

Esprit de Chevalier (White)

History The history of the Domaine de Chevalier goes back to the archives of the XVIIth century which recall that the small estate of Chivaley (knight in Gascony) includes “houses, outbuildings, gardens, land, vines, woods and meadows” and thus represents...

Domaine de Chevalier (White)

History The history of the Domaine de Chevalier goes back to the archives of the XVIIth century which recall that the small estate of Chivaley (knight in Gascony) includes “houses, outbuildings, gardens, land, vines, woods and meadows” and thus represents...

Domaine de la Solitude White

History The history of the Domaine de la Solitude does not allow us to locate with precision the origin of the property. In reality, it is not until the nineteenth century and the establishment of the community of the Holy...

Le Carillon d’Angélus

History The history of Château Angélus is a familial History . The estate is located at less than a mile of the renowned church tower of Saint-Emilion in the heart of an amphitheatre. TThe de Boûard de Laforest Family owns...

Domaine de la Solitude Red

History The history of the Domaine de la Solitude does not allow us to locate with precision the origin of the property. In reality, it is not until the nineteenth century and the establishment of the community of the Holy...

Clos de l’Oratoire

Unlike the rumor says, the history of the plots acquisition of Clos l’Oratoire was not settle in 1991 but in 1971 (at the same time as the four first vineyards located at Saint-Emilion). During the second revision of the classification...

Esprit de Chevalier (Red)

History The history of the Domaine de Chevalier goes back to the archives of the XVIIth century which recall that the small estate of Chivaley (knight in Gascony) includes “houses, outbuildings, gardens, land, vines, woods and meadows” and thus represents...

Domaine de Chevalier (Red)

History The history of the Domaine de Chevalier goes back to the archives of the XVIIth century which recall that the small estate of Chivaley (knight in Gascony) includes “houses, outbuildings, gardens, land, vines, woods and meadows” and thus represents...

Château d’Aiguilhe

History The ruins of the Château d’Ailguilhe witness the long history of Castillon. as a matter of fact, the oral tradition states the existence of a gallo-romain villa on the site of Aiguilhe. The actual estate was actually built during...

Château Canon La Gaffelière

History The history sanctioned Château Canon La Gaffeliére as one of the most famous Saint-Emilion wines. In 1971, the Earl Joseph-Hubert Von Neipperg, loyal to eight centuries of viticultural traditions in the family, acquired this property, the administration of which...