Appellation: Saint-Emilion Grand Cru

Château Fleur Cardinale

Château Fleur Cardinale’s history begins with Florence Decoster, the current owner. Her idea of taking over a vineyard was born in 2000. At that time, her husband Dominique had just sold her porcelain business in Limoges. Charming by the places...

Château Figeac

History Château Figeac is a very old property in Bordeaux. Its history dates back to the 2nd century, in Gallo-Roman times, while the Figeacus family gave its name to the “villa” that it founds here. The Domaine de Figeac entered...

Le Petit Cheval

The history of Cheval Blanc began in the eighteenth century, while the current terroir of Cheval Blanc was a modest farm that had a large area of vines, as proven by a map of Belleyme, dated in 1764. Nearly a...

Château Cheval Blanc

History The history of Cheval Blanc began in the eighteenth century, while the current terroir of Cheval Blanc was a modest farm that had a large area of  vines, as proven by a map of Belleyme, dated in 1764. Nearly...

Château Beau-Séjour Bécot

The history of Château Beau-Séjour Bécot dates back to the 3rd century, when the Romans planted the first vines. It was in 1969 that Michel Bécot, then owner of Château La Carte, acquired Château Beau-Séjour. But it was not until...

Château Fombrauge

History The history of Fombrauge is linked to 3 families, the Canolle, the Dumas, and the Taffard. It is in 1466 that Jacques de Canolle, first Lord of Fombrauge, buys the property. Dumas de Fombrauge puts into practice, often empirically,...

Le Carillon d’Angélus

History The history of Château Angélus is a familial History . The estate is located at less than a mile of the renowned church tower of Saint-Emilion in the heart of an amphitheatre. TThe de Boûard de Laforest Family owns...

Clos de l’Oratoire

Unlike the rumor says, the history of the plots acquisition of Clos l’Oratoire was not settle in 1991 but in 1971 (at the same time as the four first vineyards located at Saint-Emilion). During the second revision of the classification...

Château Canon La Gaffelière

History The history sanctioned Château Canon La Gaffeliére as one of the most famous Saint-Emilion wines. In 1971, the Earl Joseph-Hubert Von Neipperg, loyal to eight centuries of viticultural traditions in the family, acquired this property, the administration of which...